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We've always believed in that RuneScape has a lot of potential

Добавлено: 26 авг 2022, 03:48
A developer's enthusiasm can be totally irrelevant to an editor, too. Dragon Age 4 has been delayed twice because of higher-up interference constantly dictating the game's direction OSRS Gold. Metal Gear players who clearly want single-player games, have received the game with co-op, Metal Gear Survive in 2018. And that's not even to look at all of the companies Activision Blizzard wastes on constant Call of Duty development.

Thank goodness Jagex formed in a time that it was able to remain an independent. If the player base had begun to decline in the late 2000s, a publisher would likely have shut down it all. Hell, Raven Software started laying people off in the midst of Warzone made billions, so even success could spell disaster for the human beings behind the game.

The success stories we do get just feel like an exception to the norm at times. The stars needed to align to allow Among Us to find its fan base even after it was released and possibly the best previous example - and without having the support of a major publisher was Undertale that was released in 2017.

It's the reason RuneScape The first 20 Years isn't just essential reading for those who love the game, but for everyone who is interested in the direction that the gaming development is taking. It's a reminder that we should be supporting the indie game scene that's always fighting for attention in the midst of a massive market.

And, above all is that it's a chance to be proud of how humble we started. The gaming industry can seem like an utterly abhorrent place sometimes (because it can be), but in the midst are passionate and Cheap RS Gold committed developers with an expertise they'd like to bring to us.