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14 мар 2022, 13:07
Форум: Экранные компоненты
Тема: China aims for 700b kg of grain output by 2025
Ответы: 0
Просмотры: 346

China aims for 700b kg of grain output by 2025

http://en.people.cn/NMediaFile/2021/1209/FOREIGN202112090933000253612397787.jpg China will stabilize annual grain output at more than 650 billion kilograms. and is committed to the goal of 700 billion kilograms by 2025 to ensure grain security, according to a five-year plan published by the Ministr...
04 фев 2022, 13:03
Форум: Экранные компоненты
Тема: US House of Representatives Rushing to change the name of the Taiwan Embassy in Washington
Ответы: 0
Просмотры: 314

US House of Representatives Rushing to change the name of the Taiwan Embassy in Washington

https://cdn.i-scmp.com/sites/default/files/styles/og_image_scmp_obituary/public/d8/images/canvas/2022/02/04/04b61a11-da1b-4e75-acdb-f9c110f3b2b5_d3b3d9c8.jpg?itok=DEPC2qjw&v=1643932509 US lawmakers The proposed bill was matched in the Senate and the House of Representatives on Thursday. to set the ...
05 ноя 2021, 12:41
Форум: Экранные компоненты
Тема: Mining the moon's water will require a large infrastructure investment
Ответы: 1
Просмотры: 522

Mining the moon's water will require a large infrastructure investment

https://images.theconversation.com/files/416395/original/file-20210816-27-i7yq2q.jpg?ixlib=rb-1.1.0&q=45&auto=format&w=1200&h=900.0&fit=crop We live in a world where people make important decisions. without thinking But some things are predictable. This includes if you are constantly using limited ...
26 окт 2021, 12:20
Форум: Экранные компоненты
Тема: 'Cowboys for Trump' founder turns his back on Trump during QAnon meeting
Ответы: 1
Просмотры: 649

'Cowboys for Trump' founder turns his back on Trump during QAnon meeting

https://s.yimg.com/ny/api/res/1.2/2g_..gtE1iQ5g2F049l3zw--/YXBwaWQ9aGlnaGxhbmRlcjt3PTEyMDA7aD03MzI-/https://s.yimg.com/uu/api/res/1.2/PoyVLPpSJvu_3OvPcn8HaA--~B/aD05NDA7dz0xNTQwO2FwcGlkPXl0YWNoeW9u/https://media.zenfs.com/en/washington_examiner_articles_265/a7b1d2b92215c557ec6e70bca6e23f44 The foun...
23 окт 2021, 12:25
Форум: Экранные компоненты
Тема: T-Mobile delays shutting down Sprint 3G network for three months
Ответы: 1
Просмотры: 651

T-Mobile delays shutting down Sprint 3G network for three months

https://i.ytimg.com/vi/qFXp22mNHfk/maxresdefault.jpg T-Mobile continues to update its network to 5G, but Sprint's 3G network has a few more months to go offline. The airline originally planned to shut down the outdated network on Jan. 1, but it appears one of its partners needs more time on Sprint'...
26 авг 2021, 06:38
Форум: Экранные компоненты
Тема: Make your Android and Apple devices work together.
Ответы: 0
Просмотры: 415

Make your Android and Apple devices work together.

https://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/c_fill,f_auto,fl_progressive,g_center,h_675,pg_1,q_80,w_1200/1424fc564e0021126837de72273d2682.jpg Android and Apple mobile devices require different apps. offer different features And it works best with different brands of computers. and intelligent...
25 авг 2021, 06:56
Форум: Экранные компоненты
Тема: Virgin Hyperloop unveils new pod concept video
Ответы: 1
Просмотры: 518

Virgin Hyperloop unveils new pod concept video

https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/news/660/cpsprodpb/2EEC/production/_115321021_mediaitem115321020.jpg Virgin Hyperloop has released a video showing plans for a cabin using magnetic levitation to travel above 1,000 km/h (600 mph) through a near vacuum tube.instead of being connected to a train The cable car...
24 авг 2021, 06:37
Форум: Экранные компоненты
Тема: Smart home technology is still not smart - what next?
Ответы: 1
Просмотры: 561

Smart home technology is still not smart - what next?

https://www.cnet.com/a/img/QaRXuJTlywj1lq3-ISppFGt-wKs=/0x0:2483x1249/1200x630/center/top/2021/05/11/27dd6789-3565-461a-81eb-3dce044a43fb/matter-smart-bulb-gradient.jpg Meet Matter, a group that plans to make setting up a smart home easier, starting in 2022.Smart home technology isn't that smart. A...
23 авг 2021, 06:19
Форум: Экранные компоненты
Тема: Apple delays employee recalls to offices until 2022
Ответы: 0
Просмотры: 499

Apple delays employee recalls to offices until 2022

https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/news/660/cpsprodpb/F6B9/production/_118116136_cook.jpg US tech giant Apple Postpone the return of employees to the office until January at the earliest. Amid fears that there will be an increase in coronavirus cases Employees were notified of the decision in a company memo ...
22 авг 2021, 06:45
Форум: Экранные компоненты
Тема: Clubhouse removes personal information from Afghan user accounts
Ответы: 1
Просмотры: 504

Clubhouse removes personal information from Afghan user accounts

https://s.yimg.com/ny/api/res/1.2/naMNvytlLMyCDDIiQCbNeg--/YXBwaWQ9aGlnaGxhbmRlcjt3PTY0MDtoPTQyNi42NjY2NjY2NjY2NjY3/https://s.yimg.com/os/creatr-uploaded-images/2021-04/a29e7840-9ad8-11eb-b7ff-523f80ccf489 Facebook launched a tool to help people in Afghanistan lock their accounts. The social audio ...
20 авг 2021, 06:02
Форум: Экранные компоненты
Тема: Facebook launches tool to help Afghans lock their accounts
Ответы: 1
Просмотры: 591

Facebook launches tool to help Afghans lock their accounts

https://s.yimg.com/uu/api/res/1.2/WspMcOLvAME.5zzr..OGkg--~B/Zmk9ZmlsbDtoPTUwNjt3PTY3NTthcHBpZD15dGFjaHlvbg--/https://s.yimg.com/os/creatr-uploaded-images/2021-05/7a6f1870-bf1d-11eb-b93e-43ef1d5ae41c.cf.jpg Facebook has released a new tool to help Afghan people lock account privacy settings. A "one...
19 авг 2021, 06:16
Форум: Экранные компоненты
Тема: IMF suspends access to Afghanistan funds
Ответы: 1
Просмотры: 553

IMF suspends access to Afghanistan funds

https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/news/976/cpsprodpb/9238/production/_120023473_gettyimages-1234698415.jpg The International Monetary Fund (IMF) says Afghanistan will no longer have access to lenders' resources.The move comes after the Taliban took over the country last weekend.An International Monetary Fun...
18 авг 2021, 06:17
Форум: Экранные компоненты
Тема: Ice cream van company banned from Lowestoft Road over noise complaints
Ответы: 1
Просмотры: 594

Ice cream van company banned from Lowestoft Road over noise complaints

https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/news/660/mcs/media/images/68763000/jpg/_68763349_icecream.jpg An ice cream van operator has been banned from the road for complaints that their car was ringing for too long.Lamarti was unable to enter Ashfield Crescent, Lowestoft, Suffolk after members of the public reporte...
17 авг 2021, 06:03
Форум: Экранные компоненты
Тема: Tesla Autopilot is under federal investigation for collision with emergency vehicle.
Ответы: 1
Просмотры: 615

Tesla Autopilot is under federal investigation for collision with emergency vehicle.

https://711web.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Tesla-Autopilot-is-investigating-accidents-with-emergency-vehicles-under-federal-750x465.jpg 765,000 Tesla Models Y, 3, S and X are part of this official federal investigation.Tesla's Autopilot System Under Federal Investigation on monday The National H...
16 авг 2021, 06:12
Форум: Экранные компоненты
Тема: The terrifying and mysterious land behind the sea that many people do not know.
Ответы: 1
Просмотры: 583

The terrifying and mysterious land behind the sea that many people do not know.

https://news.cgtn.com/news/2021-08-15/Along-Tibet-s-New-Railway-Majestic-mysterious-hinterland-12K5gfT7Kik/img/2be63ea0ee1a4cb9b800a592aaf1a205/2be63ea0ee1a4cb9b800a592aaf1a205.jpeg The 435-kilometer-long railway shortens the journey between Lhasa and Nyingqi in 3.5 hours. From Tibet's first palace...